Welcome to the Kagehina Double Big Bang 2024!

Current Status: Pinch Hitter Sign-ups Open!
Open sign-ups for the 2024 Kagehina Big Bang have now closed, but you can still sign up as a pinch hitter or beta until October!
Pinch Hitter sign-ups
Beta sign-ups


The Kagehina Double Big Bang is a fandom event that will pair artists and writers together to create a set of fanworks based on the Kageyama x Hinata pairing from Haikyuu.This year we will once again be running a Classic Big Bang and a Reverse Big Bang alongside each other on the same time frame & schedule.The requirements for participants of each side of the event are slightly different, but other than that, both halves of the event will share a Discord server and Mod Team.Requirements for the Classic Big Bang:
Artists must complete one new artwork and writers must create a fic with a minimum of 10k words by the end of the event.
Classic Big Bang Guidebook
Requirements for the Reverse Big Bang:
Artists must complete two new artworks and writers must create a fic with a minimum of 5k words by the end of the event.
Reverse Big Bang Guidebook
You can read the guidebooks if you have more questions about the requirements and rules of the event. For a quick reference of the difference in requirements for the two halves of the event, you can click here.


Jun 22Discord launches
Jun 29All applications open
Jul 13Classic Writer & Reverse Artist apps close
Jul 20Classic Artist & Reverse Writer apps close
Aug 3 - 10Creation check-in #1
Aug 17Summary viewing opens
Aug 18 - 23Summary selection
Aug 25Partners and teams announced
Sept 7 - 14Contact check-in #1
Oct 5 - 12Creation check-in #2 (50% completion)
Oct 20 - 25Beta summary selection
Oct 26Beta assignments announced
Nov 2 - 9Contact check-in #2
Nov 23 - 30Creation check-in #3 (90% completion*)
Dec 4 - 11Previews posted to social media
Dec 17 - 22Posting dates

* 90% completion:
At least 10k of a rough draft complete for Classic Writers
At least 5k of a rough draft complete for Reverse Writers


Is there an age limit to the event?
Yes, you must be 18+ to join the event and the Discord server when it opens.
What day do sign-ups open?
June 29th! You can find the full schedule here.
Does signing up for this event mean I will be expected to create for both the Classic Big Bang and the Reverse Big Bang?
Nope, not at all! You will still just sign up as usual for the one role you'd like to participate as.
Am I allowed to sign up for both sides of the event if I want to?
Yes, you can! This year's sign-up limits are 2 creation roles and 1 beta role (ex: being a writer for both sides of the event, plus betaing for one fic).
We do urge you to keep in mind the total amount of work you will be expected to do though, and to only sign up for more than one role if you are confident you'll be able to complete both roles fully.Are there any major changes from last year?
The only major change is that betas will be paired later in the event this year, after the Reverse Writers have had more of a chance to get into their fics.
I still have questions!
Many of your questions can probably be answered by reading one of the guidebooks linked below. They are quite similar to each other, so you only need to read the one that is relevant to the side of the event you'd like to participate in.
If you still have questions after looking through them, please feel free to @ us on twitter, send an ask or DM on tumblr, or you can send an anonymous question via our Google Form.

Classic Big Bang Guidebook
Reverse Big Bang Guidebook
Comparison Between Classic & Reverse Requirements